JDSU adds TrueSpeed automated TCP Test for the T-BERD/MTS-6000A and 8000 Platforms with MSAM
JDSU has added the ability to perform automated TCP layer throughput testing to its T-BERD/MTS-6000A and T-BERD/MTS-8000 Multi-Services Application Module (MSAM). The new TrueSpeed capabilities are based on a JDSU-sponsored, standard methodology.
The company says that providers typically install Ethernet services using RFC 2544 or other types of Layer 2/3 tests. However, the fact that the customer’s business applications run on the TCP layer results in complaints and churn and significantly increases service provider operating expenses because of additional truck rolls per service activation. The new TrueSpeed test capabilities address this issue by enabling traditional RFC 2544 installation tests and a quick TCP test during the same truck roll with the same skill-level technician.
“JDSU has a long history of looking over the shoulders of our customers and providing innovative solutions to difficult problems observed. One such issue centers around Layer 2 and 3 tests failing to catch network configuration issues that affect the most important end customer demand—application performance and throughput. Our TrueSpeed innovation provides a very simple test to identify this complex service-affecting problem,” said Jerry Gentile, Senior VP of JDSU Instruments Division.
The company says that major communications providers, including XO Communication, are already using the new feature. “For XO customers who did not accept the SLA performance results of our traditional Layer 2 installation test (RFC 2544), running the JDSU TrueSpeed test as standard practice during Ethernet installation helped validate TCP layer performance and resolved finger-pointing issues”, says Joe St. Clair, VP of Operations at XO Communications.
Additional benefits cited by JDSU include:
- Provides application performance measures for SLA confidence.
- Enables one-button, fully automated TCP testing.
- Automated test provides consistent results.
- Emulates up to 64 users/sessions at up to 10 Gigabit Ethernet with real TCP traffic.
- Advanced traffic shaping tests.