West Bay Semiconductor Inc. announced it has leased additional office space adjacent to its existing facilities. The expansion increases the size of West Bay's premises by one third, to a total of 9000 square feet, to support the company's growth and hiring plans through the end of 2001 with further growth planned for 2002.
The announcement follows West Bay's recent introduction of the WB1501, what the company claims is the first 16 x 155 Mbps channelized framer for Synchronous Optical Network and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SONET/SDH)-based equipment. Prototypes of WB1501 began shipping in June to customers worldwide. Applications for the device include multi-service routers, switches, access concentrators and dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) systems. SONET and SDH are optical transmission standards used by major telecom and data communications carriers.
The WB1501 incorporates the capabilities of four, channelized 4 x OC-3/STM-1 competitive devices, including on-chip clock and data recovery. High-density devices, such as the WB1501, allow optical networking equipment designers to free up space on their boards for value-added functionality, and reduce power consumption and cost.
About West Bay Semiconductor:
West Bay Semiconductor Inc. is a privately owned fabless semiconductor company that designs, develops and markets integrated circuits for optical communications network systems. For more information, visit www.westbaysemi.com.