Pangaea.Tel, Inc., with offices in New Orleans and Denver, has changed its name to Iris Broadband, Inc. Gary O'Neal, Chairman and CEO of Iris Broadband said, "The name change was made to reflect the expanded services offered by the company. Previously, the sole focus of the company was IP infrastructure development utilizing state-of-the-art fiber optic technology. Iris Broadband will now also provide managed services utilizing optical switches over a Gigabit IP (Internet Protocol) network with emphasis on data storage and data warehousing."
About Iris Broadband, Inc. (formerly Pangaea.Tel, Inc.):
Iris develops optically based fiber networks to serve companies including Regional Bell Operating Companies, Internet Service Providers and Applications Service Providers. The broadband network is being built conjointly utilizing partnerships and joint ventures with existing broadband networks while Iris builds its own networks. It is also a managed services provider that merges data, video and voice on its international wired and wireless network. The company's primary offerings are data storage and data warehousing services. Additional offerings will include international and domestic videoconferencing and voice services carried over the same broadband network. Domestic services will be integrated with international operations initially focused on India and Latin America.