December 11, 2001--LaserComm (Plano, TX) announced the successful completion of system-level optical transmission testing of LaserComm's broadband Hi-Mode(tm) Dispersion Management Device (DMD) at China's Wuhan Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (WRI).
WRI, a research center and optical system manufacturer, evaluated the performance of the device in its long-haul DWDM system, reporting that in all tests the product yielded outstanding results-precisely reversing the negative effects of chromatic dispersion.
The test measured optical signal quality after transmitting at 10 Gbits/sec on all channels of its latest long-haul DWDM system through 400 km of non-zero dispersion shifted fiber. The result was accurate in-line chromatic dispersion management for the test system at selected amplifier sites, resulting in high-quality, low-noise signals on all channels at the receiver.
According to LaserComm, its Hi-Mode DMD provides system developers precise dispersion and dispersion slop matching, high power tolerance, and low optical loss, resulting in increased performance and lower costs with higher data rates, more channels per fiber, longer distances, and improved signal-to-noise ratios after amplification.