MEMSCAP, S.A. (Euronext:MEMS), a provider of MEMS-based products for the fiber optic and wireless communications markets, announced it will increase its sales and marketing presence in Asia through the establishment of a Japanese subsidiary located in Tokyo.
The company has also set up relationships with three additional software distributors in China, Korea and Australia, respectively, and plans to offer software-training seminars throughout the region. MEMSCAP already has two software distributors in Japan, one in Taiwan and one in India. Asia is expected to represent this year more than 30 percent of MEMSCAP's total revenues.
The MEMSCAP Japan subsidiary will be located in the MS Bldg in Minato-Ku, Tokyo and will focus on selling MEMS-based wireless component designs such as RF switches and optical components, including micromirror-based crossconnect switches and sources.
In China, MEMSCAP is collaborating with ANSYS-China, based in Beijing with additional offices in Chengdu, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Pittsburgh-based ANSYS is MEMSCAP's partner for component analysis. MEMSCAP's MEMS Pro and MEMS Xplorer tools are seamlessly integrated with ANSYS Multiphysics.
MEMSCAP has also signed agreements with Korea's Taesung Software & Engineering (, located in Seoul, and with Australia's Leap Pty. Ltd (, based in Sydney, with additional offices in Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth.
The company will also conduct a series of training seminars in each country, which will cover design of MEMS-based products, process technology issues and using MEMS design intellectual property to accelerate time-to-market.
In March, MEMSCAP signed a multi-million dollar agreement with Walsin Lihwa Corporation of Taiwan that offers wireless equipment designers a full concept-to-manufacture chain for low-cost MEMS-based product designs. The ten-year partnership will also establish product development programs that will push the capabilities of RF MEMS components and modules, and related fabrication technology, for emerging commercial applications.
MEMSCAP is a provider of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)-based solutions for the design, development and manufacture of communications products. For more information, visit