Luminous Networks teams with Sonus Networks to provide carrier-class packet voice solution for metro area networks
Luminous Networks, a provider of carrier-class optical Ethernet platforms for Metropolitan Area Networks, announced it has joined the Sonus Networks (Nasdaq: SONS) Open Services Partner Alliance to provide carriers with a cost-effective, carrier-class voice and VoIP solution. The relationship with Sonus allows the company to offer multiple voice and data services from a common platform.
This combination provides carriers with the first toll-quality, carrier-class voice and VoIP capability on an optical Ethernet metro platform. Luminous' optical Ethernet platform transports aggregated time-division multiplexing (TDM) data traffic through Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs). The Luminous platform then sends the TDM and VoIP traffic to Sonus softswitches and SS7 signaling gateways via the Sonus GSX9000 Open Services Switch for integration into the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and other voice network systems.
Sonus, a provider of voice infrastructure products for telecommunications carriers, claims to be at the forefront as the $60-billion legacy circuit-switch market migrates to an IP-based market that transports voice and data over the same packet network.
Luminous also announced it has joined Sonus Networks' Open Services Partner Alliance (OSPA), which helps speed the creation of next-generation, integrated solutions for carriers and service providers. The goal of the OSPA is to empower standards-based interoperability between applications, hardware vendors and the Sonus product family. The initiative is designed to create integrated solutions for carriers and service providers by formalizing independent interoperability testing of third-party products with Sonus solutions.
Luminous Networks provides carrier-class voice and data solutions for Metropolitan Area Networks, based on its Resilient Packet Transport (RPT) technology, an IP-optimized optical access solution. RPT provides telecommunications carriers with support for differentiated data services, static and dynamic routing in a single box, scalability, network survivability, as well as carrier-class voice services.
Luminous Networks' PacketWave optical access switches enable Metropolitan Area Network service providers to offer a rich set of IP and legacy circuit-based services, all on the same network for transport of TDM voice, VoIP, video and data traffic in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
About Luminous Networks:
Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Luminous Networks is an optical networking company, shipping a carrier-class optical Ethernet platform for Metropolitan Area Networks. For more information, visit