June 2, 2004 Scottsdale, AZ -- The Ethernet LAN switch market rose 21% sequentially and grew 29% year-over-year as reported in a recent market share report from Synergy Research Group (SRG). A wave of spending fueled demand for Ethernet LAN switches in the first quarter of 2004, and prices held steady, allowing a return to better margins for vendors.
"10-Gigabit rallied again this quarter on lower cost, non-blocking equipment coupled with a rise in spending across the board," explains Joshua Johnson, industry analyst at Synergy Research Group. "In terms of ports, both Extreme and Force10 increased their share of the 10-Gigabit market."
Gigabit-over-copper saw tremendous growth in both fixed and modular form factors and in managed and unmanaged devices, adds Johnson. "Further, customers may not be using Gigabit speeds at the edge of their networks yet, but anticipate full use as improvements are made to PCs and servers in the months ahead."
For more information about the report, visit www.srgresearch.com.