PacketLight targets new Ethernet and quantum networking opportunities with PL-8000M muxponder
PacketLight Networks' new PL-8000 M 2 x 800 G Muxponder targets the growing need for high-speed Gigabit Ethernet services.
Featuring a flexible architecture, the PL-8000M can support an array of 800GbE, 400GbE, and 100GbE services for enhancing existing network capacity.
PacketLight's PL-8000 M uses two 800G pluggable OpenROADM coherent optical modules in a 1U device, delivering up to 1.6 Tbps capacity.
The platform can support multiple applications by integrating key optical layer components, such as mux/demux, EDFAs, and an optical switch.
It can support high-capacity data center interconnect (DCI) for enterprises, AI, and cloud computing networks and service provider-managed optical transport demarcation.
Another key element of the product is that it is non-disruptive. Service providers can easily migrate to 800G wavelengths over existing OTN/DWDM and secure and encrypted communication for 100/400/800GbE services.
The PL-8000 M supports a pay-as-you-grow architecture and ensures future-proof scalability. It can also interoperate with any third-party switch or router, allowing seamless integration into existing networks while providing an entire demarcation point between the service and the DWDM network. This enables complete visibility and performance monitoring for client services.
Also, the PL-8000M supports standard optical module interfaces for the 100GbE, 400GbE, and 800GbE services.
It supports Layer-1 GCM-AES-256 encryption for secure communications and Quantum key distribution (QKD) for future encryption needs. The device ensures efficient optical spectrum and high-performance transport utilization, reducing the number of coherent transceivers needed.
The platform shows PacketLight’s growing support for quantum computing. Earlier this year, PacketLight in partnership with Toshiba, showcased quantum key distribution (QKD) over DWDM links, highlighting the growing interest in quantum communications networks.
Koby Reshef, CEO of PacketLight Networks, said the PL-8000M is designed to “increase network capacity while reducing cost and power per bit.”
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Tune into the 800G-1.6T DWDM optical transport webinar
Join as Koby Reshef, CEO of Packetlight Networks, addresses challenges with three key technological advancements set to shape the industry in 2025 during a webinar that will be held on January 29, 2025.
To support this, Reshef will share the drivers of the transformation of fiber optic networks and the transport of higher bandwidth over single wavelengths—800G and 1.6T.
The webinar will be three key technological advancements to shape the industry in 2025:
· L-band spectrum for Expanded fiber utilization
· Flex grid technology for greater network adaptability
· Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) for enhanced security
Register today for a worthwhile discussion on how these emerging technologies can help service providers keep up with evolving industry trends driven by AI applications and high-capacity connectivity needs.

Sean Buckley
Sean is responsible for establishing and executing the editorial strategies of Lightwave and Broadband Technology Report across their websites, email newsletters, events, and other information products.