Fiber Optic Center Inc. has extended the AngstromLap line of polishing films with the ULTIMAS High-Performance Final Film. The ULTIMAS film is designed to provide excellent polishing performance on high-end polishing machines while using only water for cleaning and lubrication.
Available in different sizes for use with a variety of polishing machines, ULTIMAS promises high performance over multiple uses. The use of water as a lubricant significantly decreases cleaning requirements and speeds polishing while decreasing costs, the Fiber Optic Center points out. Meanwhile, the film offers consistent and repeatable results, leading to high yields.
When used on quality polishing machines, ULTIMAS can achieve UPC back-reflection of -55 dB or less, MM UPC back-reflection of -35 dB or better, and APC back-reflection of -70 dB or less. Insertion loss should be 0.2 dB or better, according to the company.
AngstromLap ULTIMAS final film is generally available, Fiber Optic Center adds.
For more information on polishing technology and suppliers, visit the Lightwave Buyers’ Guide.